Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas Eve

WOW ok so I have been super busy and I have not gotten around to blogging in FOREVER! But its finally Christmas Eve so now I have some time!

I finally made it home on Saturday after my forever long car drive! But it was awesome cause I listened to the same play list over and over and over and over and over again! It was pretty epic! Good jams + loud stereo+ me, myself and I= AWESOME car ride!

So I get home with the expectation of my family joyously greeting me! cause seriously they haven't seen their favorite daughter/sister in like forever, but alas I must of hit my head or something! I was lucky enough to get a "hey" from my youngest sibling! sheesh talk about feeling the love! Good thing I plan on living in France someday!

But there are some things to be thankful for for Christmas....
  1. JOSH GROBAN!!! (and not only his Christmas music, literally just him!)
  2. Christmas trees!
  3. My awesome friends! 
  4. food LOTS of food
  5. sleep
  6. some more sleep
  7. baking
  8. snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. some family tehe ;)
  10. free time to snuggle with a good book!
  11. sweaters!
So what r some things I don't like about Christmas?
  1. Brett (my little brother asked to be on my other list so that automatically boots him to this one)
  2. putting up the Christmas tree
  3. not being aloud to sleep in past 8..... arg
  4. not having the time to read :(
  5. eating too much food
  6. the cold brrrr
  7. some family 
  8. not being in France!!!!!
  9. Dr. Oz (he is just super annoying) 
But it is nice to be for a little bit I guess we all have to deal with the crazy family during the holidays! 

So to update the past couple of weeks.....
For the De-stress fest I had designed the poster, which my boss loved! It ended up on the main college website, which was a big deal my boss informed me! For the event I also designed the T-shirts we gave away! 500 T-shirts were printed to give away!

A co-worker and I at the De-Stress Fest with Champ our mascot. 

I snuck a T-shirt for my brother! 

And so I was done with School the first day of finals but I stayed for another week to work but that allowed me time to hang out with my friends in Bozeman! I kept busy with two jobs so I didn't have anytime to get in trouble!  haha :) I barely had anytime to do Christmas shopping! 

And So Happy Holidays from the middle of nowhere up in Montana!

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