Friday, December 7, 2012

Advice From an Art School

It is finally all done!!!! well almost....
This morning at the wonderful hour of eight O'clock poor little me had to walk across the perils of icy campus to a exciting Art History exam, but the hope and light at the end of the tunnel that guided me through this horrible experience was ITS  OUR LAST ONE! -except part two of the art history course is next semester.... oh well!
After the excitement of being tested on Romanesque and Gothic architecture, which included my favorite cathedral, the Reims Cathedral! (I got to see it in France while I was there, creepy angel....!!!!) Next was our 2D recitation. Mr. Dean of course had a great lecture we learned all kinds of really great facts about life.

"Wear different shoes every day, they are the most important, so invest money in good shoes!"

Oh yessir my art professor told us this, of course he meant so you don't have back problems and what not, but I kind of interpreted it a little different... :) He then taught us how we should wash our hair, manage our time, fall in love, take risks, have confidence, and then the best lesson of all, don't get herpes.

"You can get herpes anywhere, from hand rails, doorknobs, shouldn't have this been on national television like everyday!"

When Dean was a grad student some med student mis-diagnosed him with herpes cause he had a corneal scratch and they figured it was from herpes, but it wasn't so he was just fine. But Dean made sure we all understood that we shouldn't touch our eyes so we don't get herpes! Gotta love Art School!

But alas I am glad this week is starting to wind down! It has been crazy studying for a final and working on my capstone. My dorm room totally looks like an artsy fartsy tornado ripped through here! But I still have a math final next week (which is the real finals week...). So ready for this semester to be done and move on to a new one!

And so I am finally posting about my capstone project! So what we had to do was listen to a sound on But these songs are not normal songs they are super messed up theres screaming and scratching and banging on pots, just really odd stuff. But I found one called tri-cello which is kind normal. So anyway I mapped out the entire 9 minute song in 30 second increments  whew that took forever! Next I painted on watercolor paper with gouache, I used salt to add dimension and interest, and then covered the entire thing in a veil of sheer black fabric! The whole thing turned out to be about 12 feet long! But it was very worth it! 

In the process of making the 12 foot monster

up on the wall in the studio

We experimented with the lighting :)

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