Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mac Bling

Today I finally had the time to get a DIY project done! Being an art student and all especially as a graphic design major I wanted to add some personality to my computer. Everybody just puts stickers on theirs but that not so original after a while, and so I decided to make mine sparkly! Last year I mode-podged my graduation cap to be sparkly so I used the same methods to sparkle-ify my computer!

First step is to gather your supplies to customize your computer! You will need mod podge, glitter, a paint brush, and I would recommend using a case to put the litter on instead of directly onto your computer. Hard shell cases can be found on Amazon for cheep.  

Next outline the apple logo onto your case.

Now put some mod podge on a plate or something and add a small amount of glitter to it. Start applying the mode podge to the apple.

It will take many layers to complete it, so make sure to let it dry in between. 

for a final coat I added some really shiny pink glitter.

and viola!!!

Now you have an awesome bling computer!

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