Monday, October 15, 2012

Why Monday?

Yuck Monday, why do Mondays stink so much? Should we be happy that we are starting another week? Maybe they should call it happy day, or give out free coffee, something??? Or maybe not have tests at 8am, then maybe Monday would be alright! 
At least the dinning hall had raspberry pancakes that made it a little better! And they got new bagel showy thingy (like my technical terms). But the dinning hall coffee is still 60% water so Mondays still stink. PERIOD.

I had a test this morning ew,  so a couple of things that you should make sure you have when taking a test is...

1.Patience, for when the Professor didn’t print off enough tests so your test doesn’t start till 10 minuets late.
2. A Great Professor, for when the test is late the teacher gives an extra 2 points to everyone as a sorry!!!
3.  Hope, because you really feel like your going to fail. 
4.  Coffee, because the dinning hall doesn’t have the real stuff. 
5.A Bubble, I wish I had that! there’s nothing like your neighbors giving you the brain stimulating aroma of stinkin pot in the morning.
 Oh the joy of college.

On a high note(hehe i made a funny!) I finished my 'box' project so I will post a picture tomarrow! 

Oh and this past weekend was a blast! I went on a hike with some friends who live in the area and we went to castle rock? something like that? but it was 5 miles and a really really long hike up hill! Ok hill is an understatement that thing is a mountain! 

from the top

the trail

Pretty Montana

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