Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Capstone Drawing: Progression of Emotions

Like other art classes, at the end of the semester means, chaos, stress, and capstone final projects. These projects are supposed to be examples of your creative capabilities (which hopefully you have some left by the end) and also skills acquired throughout the semester. For our drawing final we were instructed that we needed a set of three drawings We had the freedom to draw whatever anyway we wanted to. I decided to use charcoal, and draw figures. I hated figures before, but for some reason I had this ridiculous idea to have figures be my subject for my capstone! Maybe I drank to much coffee and felt super confident when I wrote my proposal paper, cause I have no idea what I was thinking! There is a reason why I never posted a picture of my self portrait. I hate drawing humans. dumb humans. Anyway I have included some parts from my capstone proposal so you can understand the inspiration from the pieces.

The capstone project I propose is that of a personal journey of strong emotions and growing up. It is a reflection on my personal emotional history. The first drawing is of a little girl’s hands clasped within a father’s hands. The next sketch shows a self-portrait of a bent head and outstretched hand. Last is the third sketch that shows a close up of eyes peaking out behind fingers and the gesture for quite. I also am inspired by the realism paintings of Honore Daumier. His paintings have a very sketchy characteristic to them. I was inspired by the boldness of his actions and how he was not afraid to stand and speak his mind through his art. He often exposed the un-glamorous side of life that many people in France at that time were trying to avoid. To me his paintings and prints have a lot of feeling and emotions packed into them. I wish to do the same in my progression of drawings.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Gift Wrapped Skeletons

For our final individual projects in my 3D class we were faced with building a structure using linear and planar materials to make a dynamic design that utilizes an interior structure
(skeleton) to create an exterior form (skin). The pieces had to have a transparent skin, windows for viewing the inside (which had to be a different design from the outside), and show our understanding of compression and expansion. 
We first built structures from straws to get a sense of what forms we hoped to render. From there we moved on to use balsa wood to build our sculptures. In the beginning I felt this project was going to be easy, and maybe even fun. I was wrong. I hate sculpture. Hate is a strong word. I hate sculpture. It may have to do with the fact I hate math. A lot. There is a reason I am an art student. I can't spell and I can't do math. To give you some perspective on how awful I truly am at math, it took me three hours to build a Hexagon! THREE HOURS! That's why I hate sculpture. And so I survived countless hours piecing this structure together which questioned my patience and what I had ever done to deserve such unfair treatment. I sure did have some bad karma with this one! but avail, like a gazillion hours later I finally finished the sculpture!!!

Naked sculpture

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Apple of a Pie

   It has been forever since I blogged, but the end of my first year of college is only two weeks away! Instead of writing a speech I decided I would waste my time away on my blog. hmmmm lets see what procrastination has in store for me!

   And speaking of procrastination that brings me back to the blog, and the fact that the project I'm showing is actually all the way back from Easter time.... whoopsy! And so my Easter *cough *cough from not to long ago..... was a lot of fun! We got a couple of close friends together to celebrate with a dinner. My friend from Chile hosted our little dinner party, and she made an amazing dish from her home country, Chile, which was AMAZING! It was made of salmon and looked like a strawberry smoothie BUT tasted nothing like it! It was super yummy!  she cooked raw salmon with the acid from lemon and limes and marinated it with peppers and onions. We also had a Korean stew, and rice. I also made mashed potatoes. Our food as well as the guests were from all over the world! Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Korea, Turkey, 1/2  Japan (hehe), and USA were all present. I also made a staple American dessert!  Apple pie!

So I figured I would show how to make some good ol' fashioned American apple pie for anybody that doesn't know!  So here is how to make and an apple pie from scratch with real apples!

Basic tools needed for the job

Ingredients you will need, you can use any apples you want though!