Monday, September 30, 2013

Is It Nap Time Yet?

Wow does time fly! Even when your sleep deprived! But isn't that the purpose of college to teach us that sleep is not a necessity of life? Or that blogging takes priority over studying for french..... oh well!

Today I learned though that art is important and that the world pretty much depends on us. We had a very special guest today at the college, Don Colley! He is an artist from Chicago. He was really inspirational and really cool. He showed us some techniques on how he sketches and shared some really great advice. He said, "sketching is thinking out loud" I had never really thought of that before, but it makes perfect sense! He is a really neat guy! check out some of his work, or his video by faber-castell!

 So I have not posted in ages which means I have been hard at work on projects for school! Here are some of the cooler projects! My first graphic project was a success! We were to create bit-mat monograms in adobe illustrator, which was a piece of cake! We had to mount our designs on mat board and they had to be presented perfectly.
Up next on the update is my painting projects! Our first project was to do a grid painting with a specific color scheme. I had analogous colors, red, yellow, and orange. We are supposed to make our own black in my painting class so thats how I ended up with the green color, the black I make has a ton of blue in it. We were supposed to pick a silhouette and use a 12X12 to cube-ify it. soooooo ya ta-da! Pretty wheat! We were to show depth by using the varying colors shades. Darker colors stand out more while lighter colors recede to the back. 

And finally may I present my first still life. We were supposed to render a still life in gray scale to study lighting and how far we can push the contrast between dark and light. I used oil paint and my own black so it has a blue-ish hue. I also used a pallet knife so the painting is full of texture! It was a really fun study! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Back Into the Swing of School

My how time flies! To bad I'm not having a marvelous time! It's college time once again! Break out the overpriced books, late nights, and coffee comas! A friend and I the other day at lunch decided college is really those days you can't get back because it takes 20 years off your life from stress!

But this year is fun if i use my optimistic attitude! I'm taking a painting studio and intro graphics studio! I'm also taking French, art history, and a human and life development class(FCS)!

The FCS class is pretty awesome! The purpose of the class is to learn about humans development from conception till death, so we do the whole flour baby kind of project, but its a computer game instead! This is the only time we will ever be allowed to leave our kids alone for two weeks. The other part of the class we create our own avatars and raise them from 18 to a ripe ol age when we kill em off. Oh this is gonna be fun!

I love my painting and graphics class because duh they're art classes! It's great hanging out in the studio till 3 am again.... oh the memories.... coffee....

french is french! Im not failing yet so thats a plus!

Well it will be a busy year! I'm almost half way there!

Let the Everyday Adventures Begin!